ADVANCED LEADERSHIP SKILLS. A practical training for executives
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For managers, professional success depends on the ability to motivate staff and inspire them to achieve their goals. In short, the challenge is to take a group of individuals and, by supporting and pushing them, turn them into a successful team. A team that is able to react flexibly to changes in the business environment. This seminar will afford you the opportunity to reflect your behaviour as a manager and give you new ideas and tips on how you and your team can achieve your aims even more successfully in the future.
For managers, professional success depends on the ability to motivate staff and inspire them to achieve their goals. In short, the challenge is to take a group of individuals and, by supporting and pushing them, turn them into a successful team. A team that is able to react flexibly to changes in the business environment. This seminar will afford you the opportunity to reflect your behaviour as a manager and give you new ideas and tips on how you and your team can achieve your aims even more successfully in the future.
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Ausführliche Beschreibung
This is an intensive, highly practically-oriented training, using current issues from the participants’ daily work as managers. All of the tips and ideas given are matched to the individual’s working situation.Methodology
The following methods are used in this training:
Theory-input, individual and group exercises, plenum discussion, work on case studies
Possible Contents
*Authenticity and clarity in leadership
*Systemic thinking and feeling
*Dialogue-oriented leadership
*Communicating objectives and expectations
*Motivating employees
*Showing appreciation
*Giving feedback productively
*Recognizing needs and different personalities
*Managing relationships
*Understanding and implementing success factors for teams
*Leading with objectives and visions
*Development phases of teams, and how to support them
*Successful staff dialogues
*Leading in an environment of change
Managers interested in expanding their leadership skills
Kommentare/Weiterführende Informationen
Eine detaillierte Festlegung der Inhalte erfolgtin Absprache mit dem Auftraggeber