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DEALING WITH CONFLICTS SUCCESSFULLY. A practical training for managers and staff aiming to improve their conflict management

Seminar-ID: 617816
Datum: Termin nach Vereinbarung
Ort: Inhouse beim Kunden/nach Vereinbarung
Preis pro Teilnehmer:
Auf Anfrage
This seminar supports participants in identifying and effectively dealing with conflicts in English. There is a strong focus on the participants’ individual attitudes to their conflicts, deepening their understanding of their own contribution. By analysing the intercultural environment and the people involved, participants will be sensitized to their options for addressing conflicts appropriately. A range of de-escalating communication tools will be trained in order to enable participants to successfully lead English conflict talks with colleagues, customers and members of staff, whether they are directly involved or as moderators.
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Ausführliche Beschreibung
The trainer works with the participants’ own cases. This gives them the opportunity to simultaneously receive support and tips from an external consultant as well as the rest of the group.

The following methods are used in this training:
Theory input, individual and group exercises, participants’ case studies

Possible Contents
*Causes of conflicts
*Sensitivity to conflict symptoms
*Conflict phases, and your options
*Understanding and expanding your attitude to conflicts
*Helpful communication tools in conflicts
*Effective analysis of conflict situations
*Achieving lasting results from conflict talks
*Moderating conflicts successfully
*Working on concrete conflict cases
Managers and members of staff who need support in dealing with conflicts in English
Kommentare/Weiterführende Informationen
Eine detaillierte Festlegung der Inhalte erfolgt
in Absprache mit dem Auftraggeber

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