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LEADING SUCCESSFUL MEETINGS. A practical training for leading meetings

Seminar-ID: 617868
Datum: Termin nach Vereinbarung
Ort: Inhouse beim Kunden/nach Vereinbarung
Preis pro Teilnehmer:
Auf Anfrage
When you work in an international organization, you spend a great deal of time in business meetings – “Can’t live with them, can’t live without them.” But how do you get a better quality business meeting? Leading successful meetings will help you improve your leadership behavior in your international working envrionment.You will learn some simple techniques to improve the outcome of your meetings, so that your meetings are productive and efficient and not the typical time-wasters everybody complains about. If they are run well, meetings are a very powerful tool to communicate and solve problems, and this training will help you leverage that opportunity.
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Ausführliche Beschreibung
A small group and a good understanding of intercultural diversity will give you a deeper understanding of international business meetings.

The following methods are used in this training:
Theory input, individual and group exercises, case work, role games

Possible Contents
*Planning the meeting: the crucial questions
*Defining the outcome
*Working properly with the agenda
*Communication skills for leaders of business meetings
*How to take the lead in communication
*How to deal with difficult participants
*How to cut off talkative participants
*How to get consensus on difficult problems
*Working with visualization
*Keeping your time on track
*Improving your outcome with better action items
Managers, Project Managers and staff who chair meetings in an international environment.
Kommentare/Weiterführende Informationen
Eine detaillierte Festlegung der Inhalte erfolgt
in Absprache mit dem Auftraggeber

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